Saturday, 6 November 2010

Looking Through the Keyhole

Despite finding many images that inspire me none of them inspire me as much as the idea of taking the photograph as though I am looking through a keyhole. However despite this I am struggling to think of a story to portray behind the keyhole. The only inspiration I have found that in fact links with the keyhole idea is putting an Alice and Wonderland, fanciful style to the photograph or styling.

Tim Walker, Jasmine Guiness, Scotland, 1998

When looking through Tim Walker's photographs he inspired me with respects to the style of the photograph in which I want to take, though none of his photographers appeared to portray an effect of being watched. However when I came across this particular photograph I was completely taken aback, I thought that it was mysterious and he incorporated the idea of the key in such a unique way. Also when looking at the flower being used abstractly as a garment it gave me the idea of using an object that represented the person to that effect.

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